
CHILDLINE 1098 Toll Free Number


CHILDLINE 1098 is a phone number that spells hope for millions of children across India. It is a 24-hour a day, 365 days a year, free, emergency phone service for children in need of aid and assistance. We not only respond to the emergency needs of children but also link them to relevant services for their long-term care and rehabilitation.

Our Intervention:

  • Child Labour
  • Abuse and Violence
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Online Safety
  • Child Trafficking
  • Missing
  • Child marriage
  • Child Health
  • Addiction
  • Education Related
  • Conflict with Law
  • Homeless
  • Runaways

What we do:

At CHILDLINE, we follow an action process which starts at the first call and continues till the child in need of care and protection is safely rehabilitated. To put it simply, our work includes several stages which are:

1. Call 1098 – child or a concerned adult can dial the CHILDLINE 1098 helpline, which operates night and day.

2. Connected to CHILDLINE Centre – The call is received by the CHILDLINE Centre where details about the situation are taken from the caller and CHILDLINE units are mobilized if necessary.

3. Rescue in 60 minutes – Once CHILDLINE has enough details about child or children in distress, the CHILDLINE team rushes to help children within 60 minutes to bring children out of an emergency situation.

4. Intervention – Once CHILDLINE intervenes help the child, it works with multiple stakeholders such as police authorities, child protection boards, social workers and counsellors. Children’s consent and participation is an important component of this process from response to intervention.

5. Rehabilitation and Follow Up – the interventions, to ensure the child’s continued safety, CHILDLINE proceeds to find long-term rehabilitation for the child. For this, the CHILDLINE team does constant follow ups with the child – meeting the family or the visiting the shelter if a child has been assigned to stay in one.

Our Vision

A child-friendly District that guarantees the rights and protection of all children.

Our Mission

CHILDLINE aims to reach out to every child in need and ensure their rights and protection. Our four Cs model – Connect, Catalyze, Collaborate and Communicate – is the system that enables us to reach out to more and more children, every year.

Connect: Use technology to reach out to children.

Catalyze: Drive systems through active advocacy.

Collaborate: efforts between children, the state, civil society, corporates and community to build a child-friendly society.

Communicate: child protection everybody’s priority through effective communication.

We believe that:

Every Call Is Important

Although not every call at CHILDLINE is an emergency, but any call by a child or an adult is important and is taken seriously. Sometimes, street children who are especially cynical about helpline services make prank calls or get abusive. But it is also their way of testing us to see if they are taken seriously. We take these calls as an opportunity to convert the child’s cynicism in to faith in us. Treating blank calls seriously can turn the child into a potential caller in times of crisis. Sometimes adults call us for information. We take these calls as an opportunity to get these adults more involved in helping children.

Involving Children

The work of helping a child becomes meaningless if a child’s needs and opinions are ignored. We involve the child in the intervention process by asking him/her to identify the problem and help them formulate a solution. We never force a decision on them without their consent. We make sure that the child knows exactly what CHILDLINE can and cannot offer.

CHILDLINE Cannot Work Alone

A collaborative approach is needed due to the massive scale of efforts required to make issues relating to child rights important. So instead of creating a structure from the very beginning, we use the facilities already existing in the community. We try to involve all those already caring for children. We work with allied systems such as NGOs, the police, health authorities, educational institutes, hospitals and the Juvenile Justice Boards.

  • Awareness about 1098 child helpline.
  • Collaboration with ICDS.
  • Conducting Open House program with community children.
  • Door to door outreach.
  • Children’s Group formation.
  • Youth engagement.
  • Meeting with parents.
  • Celebrating CHILDLINE SE DOSTI event.
  • Regularly meeting with govt. allied system.
  • Meetings with DC, CEO, HOD’s and stakeholders.
  • Activities for shelter children.
  • Other activities for child care & protection.
  1. Child marriages stopped or prevented - 82
  2. Children rescued from child labour - 340
  3. Children rescued from Physical - 52
  4. Children rescued from sexual abuse - 05
  5. Lost or missing children assisted - 114
  6. Children assisted with shelter - 88
  7. Juveniles rehabilitated - 0
  8. Children got COVID-19 assistance - 52
  9. Children received medical help - 145
  10. Children linked with sponsorship - 24
  11. Children received other assistance - 294
  12. Children called for emotional support - 126
  13. Survivors of abuse counselled - 0
  14. Total:1222
Childline Project Activity Photo


  • Date: - 09.09.2022
  • Time –4.30 P.m
  • Case ID-Bul/ .398476,77,78,79,80
  • Child Name-: Dilip, Vikram ,Sunil,Narsing ,Lakhya
  • Child Adress- Vrundavan Nagar CHikhali road Buldana .
  • Child Age -: 6 to 14 year
  • Gender:-Male

Today on 09.09.2022, Buldana Child Line got a call from Mumbai CCC 1098 and they gave such information. Some children in the age group of 5 to 13 years have been brought here for Mendhi grazing work in Buldana city Chikhali Road. And the parents of the children live in this M. P state. As soon as Child Line Buldana got information about this case, in this case, calling the caller and took full details about case. After that the verification of this case was done by the Buldana Child Line team. After that the project coordinator decided to do a spot visit to the matter further investigate. After that at 4.00 pm, the project coordination and team member Sagar Narvade visited Vrindavan Nagar Chikhli Road here. After arriving at the sport, the Child Line team at area premises inquired about the children. Then it came to know that some children are doing mendhi grazing work.

Then immediately after going to the children, Buldana Child Line Coordinator and team member sager narwade they interrogated the children. And gave information about Buldana Child Line. Then the children said that their parents had sold the children on a 1-year agreement to the mendhi owner. And the parents of the children have also taken money for this work. After that the child line team Counseling the children and immediately informed about this matter to cwc and Dcpo. Then the cwc president and project coordinator Sheikh Sohep immediately informed the Buldana police about this matter and asked to rescue the children. After that the children and contractors were detained with the help of Buldana police. And the children were brought in front of the cwc by the Child Line team with the help of the police.

Then Cwc took the statement of the children and sent them to the children shelter home. And after that, in this case, Cwc gave a letter to the Buldana Police Child Labor Officer and order to file a complaint against the guilty. After that a complaint was registered to the police station of this matter and the next action is being taken by the cwc and Buldana police in this matter. After that a complaint was registered to the police station of this matter and the next action is being taken by the cwc and Buldana police in this matter.So this case was closed on 14.09.2022.


  • Date: - 13.12.2021
  • Time –1.00 P.m
  • Case ID-Bul/ 346064
  • Child Name-: Komal Chandrakant Jadhav
  • Child Adress-Rajur Ta. dist . Buldana .
  • Child Age -: 16 years
  • Gender: -Male /Female

Today on 13.12.2021, Abhijit sir got a call from Mumbai CCC, she gave such information that the child marriage of a 16-year-old girl is going to happen in the 1 hour. And the caller does not know the name of the girl, there is no further prop, yet the caller has asked Childline for help.

Immediately counselor Sandhya Ghadge introduced himself by calling the caller, informed about 1098 and inquired about the case And immediately informed about the case by calling cwc, dcpo. dwcd and informed about the case by calling gram sevak, anganwadi sarpanch of Rajur.And when asked to do a full investigation about the case, then the village servant and the sarpanch told that we have gone out. He was corresponded with dwcd, cwc, dcpo.

After that, counselor Sandhya Ghadge team member Pravin Gavai, Shital Pawar DPO unit counselor Sharad Pawar visited Rajur at the Shiva temple here. Then a marriage was taking place there, then first meeting the priest of the temple, introduced himself to him, gave information about 1098 and inquired about the marriage. Then they told that we have taken the girl's Aadhar card, the girl is eighteen years old. On meeting the girl's parents and inquired about the girl, they also told that the girl's age is above 18 years and took the girl's Aadhar card. From the Aadhar card, it appeared that the girl is 18 years old, on which she was asked for the status of the girl's school, then she told that the girl is not in school. Then when asked to intervene in the birth of the girl, he told that tomorrow we give you the village panchayat of the girl child from Malvirgaon on 14.12.2021. On that he was told that you should stop the child marriage of the girl and present the girl in front of the cwc. Calling Malveer's Anganwadi Sevika and inquired about the girls, it came to know that the girl is 16 years old and she studies in Shivaji school buldana in class 10.

On 14.12.2021 Counselor Sandhya Ghadge Team Member Pravin Gavai,Diksha Tayde visited Shivaji School Introducing himself he was told about 1098 and talked about the child marriage of Revati Jadhav and asked for an embellished certificate of the girl. Then the principal sir gave the girl bonafide certified child line team, girls's age was only 16 years old.On that the girl's father was called and asked to present the girl in front of Buldana cwc. Project Coordinator Sheikh Sohep visited CWC here on 31.12.2021 and presented Revati Jadhav and her parents before CWC.

Then the cwc president Kasture madam member Saubhage madam was present, he inquired from the girl and her parents about the child marriage of the girl. But we didn't know about Child Marriage Act. Then they said that we did the child marriage of the girl but now we will not send the girl to the boy's house only after she completes 18 years, she will go to her in-law’s house. Then Kasture Madam told him that you were not aware of the law, due to which you have violated the law, then there will be a cash action. And the girl and her mother were counseled and the statement was taken from them.

After that Kasture Madan he ordered Gramsevak Rajur to do him again F.I.R in the case. And the counselor of Child Line, Dcpo was ordered to counsel the girl. After that the child line team followed up on this child marriage case, it came to know that The Gramsevak of Rajur village has complained about this Child marriage to the Borkhedi police station. After that, in the Borkhedi police station, further action was taken against the guilty by the Child Marriage Act And stop child Marriage child line team, so this case was closed.


  • Date -: 17.12.2020
  • Time: - 11.50 am
  • Case ID-: Bul/ :- 272997
  • Child Name-: Aryan Sachin Shingote Adress :- jawala Bazar ,Nandura Buldana
  • Child Age -: 10 years
  • Gender – male

On 17.12.2020, Mumbai CCC Vikas Sir a call came and he gave such information the stepmother has tortured the child. And during the torture, the child's mother has burnt the child's feet so caller sought help form child line.

In this case the stepmother has tortured the child. And during the torture, the child's mother has burnt the child's feet. When Buldana Child Line center coordinator spoke to the sarpanch of the village about this matter, the sarpach told that the child's mother is very tortured his child .And the father of the child has admitted child to the khamgaon hospital .The sarpanch of the village has given such information in this case.When the child's father contacted and asked about the child, the child's father told that the child is currently admited in Akola then .The Buldana Child Line has also informed Cwc about this case.

After this case, the case was informed to the c.i.c and it was requested to refer the case to the Akola child line. After this, Cwc was again informed about this case and it was requested to inform Akola CWC about this case. Then Buldana Cwc informed Akola Cwc about this case and requested to investigate the child. A Borkhedi Police Station P.S.I call came from Bhasari sir and he gave such information that the boy has been brought from Akola to Buldana. As soon as information was received about the Case project coordinator Shaikh Sohep and team member Amol Pawar visited Jawala Bazar Gaon. And going to the villages, met the sarpanch and the Police Patil of the villages. And inquired about the case from them. Then he said that the stepmother of the child tortures her and she has also burnt the feet of the child. And the Borkhedi police has asked take the child to the Government hospital. Her child was admitted to the civil hospital on 21.12.2020. After that, Buldana Child Line & cwc dcpo visited Buldana Civil Hospital here. counseling the child and his statement was taken cwc and Cwc ordered Borakhedi Police Station to file an FIR in this case. After that child line team and cwc member met civil surgeon and discuse about Aryan health and torture.

on 22.12.2020 Buldana Child Line Counselor sandhya ghadge and Team Member Diksha tayde visited Civil Hospital here. And counseled the child and asked him about the leg torture. But the child did not respond properly.

After that, on 25.12.2020, Buldana project coordinator Shaikh Sohep counsellor sandhya ghadege team member cwc member & borakhedi police station PSI Bhusari visited the civil hospital. And met the nursing staff and doctor of the civil hospital and asked him about Aryan's health. Then the doctor told that at present, Aryan's health is better than. After that Buldana Child Line Team, cwc

Member Nursing Staff Counseling Aryan and inquired about the atrocities committed on him. Then the child said that his stepmother has burn her entire leg by standing on the pan and she tortures him a lot. Then,getting the statement of the child, Cwc immediately ordered Borakhedi police station to take police action against the child's mother. After this, Borkhedi police station, following the order received, arrested the mother of the child and punished him.

on 30.12.2020 Buldana Child Line Counselor sandhya ghadge and Team Member Diksha tayde visited Civil Hospital here. And met the nursing staff and doctor of the civil hospital Then it was found that Aryan has been leave out of civil hospital. After this information was given to the cwc.

After that, Buldana Child Line contacted Aryan's father and asked him to present it to Cwc. After that, on 5.01.2021, Aryan was presented to Cwc by Buldana Child Line. After that Buldhana Cwc communicated to the children and informed their father for the good upbringing of the child. Then the child was handed over to his father as per Cwc orders. The case was closed after the child was safely handed over to his father.

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