Mr. Kiran Bilore
Location: Buldhana, BBLSS Head Office
Kiran Bilore has a post graduate degree in Social Work from Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University. He has 09 years of experience, 6 years of which he spent in leadership positions in Rural Development and Child Rights Sector.
He has completed a one-year Rural Development Fellowship of the Government of Maharashtra. For his remarkable work sustainable rural development, he has been awarded in the 2017 by the Honorable Chief Minister of Maharashtra State.
He worked for 3 years in the UNICEF largest program of “Ending Child Marriage”, where his last assignment was as Program Coordinator cum Master Trainer. during this program, he has given training about ending child marriage to the officers of various departments, organizations working in the field of children. As well as work for state action plan for ending child Marriage in Maharashtra state.
He is currently also working as a program associate at Bhartiya bahuuddeshiy Lok Shikshan Sanstha Buldhana for assist to all the organization programs.